Its a great day to be a Monson.
Honestly, when isn't it a
great day to be a Monson?
With School out, a Sister
Graduating with a bunch of scholarships (p.s. Happy birthday), a brother taking
2nd place on his computer programming championship, an older brother working
hard in Sportsman's Warehouse and a pair of great parents who keep cheering us
...aren't you glad that Families
can be Together Forever?
Today I am just honored to be a
part of such a great group of people.
It's been a good week, a long week
full of surprises and mistakes and miracles...which sounds like a day in the
life of a Mormon missionary. We have been greatly blessed to be a witness to so
much change in the excitement level of our zone. This past week the
missionaries have risen to the challenge of bringing their areas to higher
On Tuesday we had our change
meeting. I was able to see a lot of great friends get going on their way home,
Elder Walton, Hermana Diaz, Elder Hughes and many others left the mission practically
empty and longing for more leadership. President Caffaro told us in the last
mission council that it was time for everyone else to "step it up"
and he was definitely right.
We've been invaded by the
"Sisters in Zion."
Its kind of a small group, but I
know that we are going to be able to do big things this change.
On Wednesday we had a Zone Council,
which was run by my comp and I, we talked about contacting and the importance
of being a "Flechon" or, "Exactly Obedient."
If there is anything that I have
learned in my mission I feel like obedience would be it....I have gained a
testimony that, if we want blessings we have to obey, there is no way around
it. The commandments are there to protect us and to help strengthen us. Our
obedience shows our love for God and our willingness to love and aid others.
So, that was good.
Also, recognizing the passing away
of L. Tom Perry, I was very sad to hear about his death. I know with all my
heart that he was an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and that the gospel that
he defended and preached is true. I know without a doubt that this is the only
true and living church on the face of the earth, follow the council of the
quorum of the 12 and the 1st presidency and the blessings will come...they will
always come.
And always remember to "Clean
the Corners."
Have an awesome week....and a great
start to the summer season!
-Elder Monson
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