I kept waking up thinking that it
was P-Day only to find that it wasn't yet, Which I guess is okay..but it just
makes for a really long week.
The good thing is that we are
starting to see some progress in our area. Little by little, we are seeing new
investigators coming out of the woodwork.
...and actually, that's not even
the biggest challenge. The hardest part is trying to sort between the new
investigators, and the people that have been truly chosen by the Lord. With my
companion Elder Argueta we were able to establish a while ago that there are
"many who are called and few that are chosen."
But what truly makes the
What changes a person from a face
and a name to a tear-jerking conversion story?
The Savior himself teaches us an
important example: "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am
known of mine." (John 10:14). The Lord knows his sheep, they are those
for whom he laid down his life, we read in the scriptures that he, just as any
good Shepherd has them counted, and that he knows them by name.
Over a year ago, in a conference
with Elder Ochoa of the 70, he explained to us the importance of inviting our
investigators to baptism starting in the very first visit. That way you are
able to tell if this investigator will progress now...or if you should leave
them for later.
Adopting this practice has really
helped me throughout my mission, after someone has accepted the invitation to
be baptized it helps to make teaching more fluid and confident.
When they accept...it's easier to
set a baptismal date sooner!
The only problem is that here in
Castillo Lara...everyone says yes...the true test is to see if we can get a
second appointment with them...because, usually, when we come back, they're not
Finding a chosen investigator is
like a needle in a haystack.
The good thing is that, when you
find them....it makes everything worth it.
This week we were able to help a
couple families and to meet a whole lot of people. We finished the month strong
(with over 1,000 street contacts....I've never done that before in my whole
mission!) Elder Taya and I are just going crazy on this area...we are
determined to find a family to baptize by the end of May.
And I know that they are going to
come. All we need is just a little bit more patience and faith.
We are all ready to keep moving
forward here in the Zona Utatlan...things are great. I am ready to keep
searching for the sheep that has wandered...wherever they may be!
Dear to the heart of the
Dear are the "ninety and
Dear are the sheep that have
Out in the desert to pine.
Hark! he is earnestly calling,
Tenderly pleading today:
"Will you not seek for my lost
Off from my shelter astray?"
Out in the desert they wander,
Hungry and helpless and cold;
Off to the rescue we'll hasten,
Bringing them back to the fold
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