Amended Post: (He was able to
send off this quick info later in the day.)
"My New
Companion's name is Elder Argueta, He's from El Salvador.
We will be
opening up an area
in El Tesoro
II....Woo Hoo! Fill you in on Monday"
This was the first Stake Conference that I've had investigators in attendance of my whole mission. It's a completely different experience, you start hearing everything with investigator's ears, and cringing at the sound of even the slightest bit of deep doctrine.
"Patriarchal blessing..."
"Temple Endowment..."
"My Polygamist Ancestors"
*Oh no...*
It's like they say here in
Guatemala, you can't just give a T-Bone steak to a baby to eat, you have to
start off with Milk (and baby food) until they graduate to higher things. And
that's what we try to do, just start by easing into things: The Restoration,
Plan of Salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ... but every so often after a
Testimony Meeting or a heated debate in Relief Society, we as missionaries get
to explain a lot about the questions that submerge.
So it was kind of awkward, in spite
of the fact that we were so happy to have brought seven investigators to the
Stake Conference.
That, my friend is called a
President and Sister Caffaro both
spoke, along with the Stake President, his councilors and two Temple Workers
from the US.
Although I was nervous, the
conference turned out very well and our investigators really did like it.
So, even though Ana couldn't get
confirmed until the next week I felt like we had a lot of success.
This whole week has been just a big
whirlwind of worry.
I haven't been quite myself these
few days. My mind has just been caught up in the looming shadow of Changes on
the 16th. There's six weeks in every change, and for some reason week six is
just the worst of all of them.
Not to be pessimistic or anything,
but that's just the way things are. All you can think about is the adventure
that may, or may not be right around the I stay or do I go?
Who knows?
Only the Lord does.
But notwithstanding, this was a
pretty decent week in all respects. We visited Minor and Veronica pretty much
every day, and had a Family Home Evening with them and the Rivera Family on
Tuesday where we talked about the importance of temples and how they hold the
sealing power to be able to create eternal families.
The Gospel is so cool.
I love that thought.
I'm sorry (breaks the forth wall) I
just found out that I have changes and that I'm going to be training a new
missionary and probably opening up a new I am just freaking out. (see below he is new area and comp)
Good Bye Offices
Good Bye Montufar
We'll see what happens next...
#AbruptEnding #Cliffhanger
There are few things that as a
mother I enjoy more than watching my children learn and grow, understand
themselves, their relationship with their Heavenly Father and know their
direction with the Savior as their compass. This letter, for me, has
given me just that. Tyler's hopeful look to the future challenge
and embracing it because he knows who he is and what he is about.
Tears of Joy really, a mother's heart is singing today as he wrote.
I'm grateful for this opportunity for Tyler to learn something new.
I'm sure there will be challenges but my prayer is that he will continue
to know where to turn to find answers and never give up! Go Elder Monson
make this "change" the best yet. Love you to the moon and back!
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