Which is sad because, on paper it looked like a very good week. I mean, we had a baptism! The 9-year old daughter of our convert from two weeks ago was baptized too! It was really fun to teach her, to see the gospel through the willing, non-cynical eyes of a child was very much a blessing. On Saturday she got all dressed in white and we had the service.
So with her, Melanie, her father, Cornelio and her brother Lestor we have half of the G___ family...one by one we´ll get all of them eventually!
We had three confirmations this Sunday in Sacrament meeting, Melanie, Brandon (one of our baptisms from last week) and Esau....
Yes....Esau, like the-first-baptism-in-my-whole-mission Esau. After that September day, he may or may not have gone underground as his grandparents started paying him money to go with them to their evangelical church. He resurfaced this Saturday and we got him to church on Sunday.
Closure was the name of the game that Sacrament Meeting.
After the great flood we´re now facing a drought of...well...investigators.
So we´re back to square one. Do not pass ¨Go¨ do not collect 200 dollars.
That was when this week got pretty hard to swallow.
Much like the food...which I am increasingly losing a taste for....man can only eat eggs and beans for so long before they grow tired.

And now we get back to today...and I feel like I´ve had a tractor plow over me....I am a survivor!
And this coming week marks....6 months...meaning I´m a quarter of the way through!
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