Sickness is in the air down here in San Juan and every
moment of health that I have is another blessing I am able to count. Everybody
and their dog is getting sick (the Dogs especially, you can count the tumors
that dangle off their´s pretty gross), from my companion to the other
companionship in San Juan (They´re a pair of Hermanas and I spent a good 6
hours in the Hospital because one of them had a pretty hardcore asthma attack
and had to go now Elder Hernandez and I are the only Missionaries
this side of the mountain for a good...25 The world could do with
some recuperation and a nice bowl of Chicken Soup is just what the doctor
ordered...or if you´re here it´s Chicken FOOT Soup and it leaves a weird,
metallic aftertaste in your mouth.
So here´s my custom brew, Chicken Soup for the Salvation of
Souls: A Guide on how to get happy and stay that way.
1. Appreciate More, Quibble Less.
My first ride on the Buses here in Guatemala was a testament
to how different this country is from the United States. The best way to
describe it is the cheapest roller coaster that money can buy. You get packed
into a painted up School Bus, three to a seat and no room to breathe, as you careen down the mountain face, whipping past the greenery and neighborhoods at
speeds that defy explanation. All the while, people walk up and down the aisles
asking for your money, selling peanuts and other goods as the speakers blare
songs in your ear that...aren´t exactly ¨Mission Appropriate¨
...sounds fun, right?
But if we´re going to appreciate more and quibble less, we
focus more on the people, do some contacting and say a prayer of thanks for the
chance to sit down for a while.
The world could do with more appreciation!
2. Memorize a Hymn...and sing it to yourself
In Doctrine and Covenants Section 25 we read that ¨The song
of the righteous is a prayer unto me and shall be answered with a blessing upon
their heads.¨ Every song in the Hymn book is both spiritually and emotionally
uplifting, ponder the poetry of their lyrics!
Whenever you feel sad remind yourself that you ¨are a child
of God¨ and that ¨Families can be together forever!¨ A good suggestion for a
¨Pick me up Hymn¨is ¨There is Sunshine in my Soul Today,¨ or ¨Count Your
3. Get Outta the Past and Attach to Today
When Christ comes to the Americas in 3rd Nephi, he tells
them that ¨Old Things are done away and all things have become new¨ (3Nephi 12:
47). Memories are great, in a way they´re the heart of your brain, if that
makes any sense....but if we attach ourselves to the past too much we forget to
live in the TODAY.
A wise turtle in a Dreamworks movie once said, ¨Yesterday is
history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that´s why it´s called the
4. Look forward to something
Always have a way point, a dream or a goal to anticipate.
Whenever you feel down you can always know that something great is on the horizon and feel rejuvenated.
Langston Huges puts it best when he said:
¨Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams die
Life is a broken winged-bird that cannot fly
Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go
Life is a barren field, frozen with snow¨
If your way point is the next PDay or that hour you have
before you go to sleep at night to do whatever you be it.
And that´s my philosophy for the week! Haha, hope all is
well, I´m doing great!
-Elder Monson
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