To say this week was slow would be...
...well, it would be an understatement.
I mean, not much happened besides having my room flooded,
hearing a bomb go off and running from the temple during a flash flood.
Yeah, I owe an explanation after that.
The CCM of Guatemala has been under construction since
December of last year, it´s a 9-month long complete overhaul of the entire
interior. In due time the rooms will be nicer, the classrooms updated and the
bathrooms....will in working condition. But our group of missionaries are the
ones that get to suffer through all the construction and reap none of the benefits. Case in point: Elder Long and I walk into our room on Wednesday
afternoon and see a thin sheen of water glazing the tile floor. During the
process of remodeling the third floor the construction workers accidentally
took out one of the pipes, unfortunately, this pipe was directly above my
top-bunk bed. My brand new mattress had to be traded for a...less brand-new
one, but other than that, the extent of the damage was less-devastating than it
could have been.
That being said, here´s the bombshell for the a
very literal sense. There´s not enough room at the CCM for our district to have
classes with all the construction going on. So we walk a good quarter mile to a
nearby chapel every day, it sounds bad but its actually quite nice! Anyways, we
were studying the Book of Mormon outside just before lunch, (2nd Nephi Chapter
33, it´s a great one) and we hear a loud *crack*. Everyone is intrigued by this
noise, ¨was that a gunshot?¨ one of the hermanas ask. Our teacher´s response
was, oh no, it was just a bomb...¨
I dont know if that´s a normal thing around here but....

That´s the week in review for all of you!
Tune in next week, same time, same channel!
Elder Tyler Monson
In a letter to his family he shared this:
far as tie trading goes? I am the master at it! I have so many great ties now
and only had to give up two of the ones I came here with (Schauber´s and the
Green tie) The Tie trade is a huge deal here, every Friday night the hallway
turns into a market and people start trading it up!
language is COMING! The lord is blessing me with the gift of tongues! The days
feel long in the moment, but when I blink its Sunday again...weird. We had
worldwide MTC devotional on Tuesday night with Elder was
really cool! We watched it live and his message was incredible! He talked about
the power of meaningful prayer and even though he was 3000 miles away you could
feel the spirit that he brought!
Nephi 31 is FANTASTIC! Love those scriptures. Right now I´m reading in Alma and
just read about Ammon and the sons of mosiah. But what really stuck out to me
this time around was the example Abish sets! She was already a believer before
Ammon came and when she saw everyone had fallen to the ground she didn´t
hesitate to tell everyone about the sweet word of the gospel! Such a great
example for us missionaries!
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