The good thing is that on Friday,
Elder Chunga and I left a little bit early to go and teach some lessons in the
morning. It's very interesting, the sweet, sacred spirit of promise that the
morning brings. It is a canvas, full of possibility and fears, painted with our
own good intentions, to be better today and to try our hardest to keep moving
In the morning we started off with
2 lessons with Jose Cuyuch and with Wilson Mejia. They were two great blessings
where we felt the spirit very strongly and challenged them to read the Book of
Mormon. Both lessons were just so great and set a fantastic tone for the whole
rest of the day.
We then talked to two new
investigators, Laura and Marvin....the latter owns a store that sells imported
things from the states, so I bought Root Beer and Scooby-Doo fruit snacks and
went off, happily to teach 3 more lessons that day!
We ended off with 7 discussions in
one day! It lined us up perfectly to complete our weekly goal!
We talked to Hermana Liset and her
stepdaughters, Jasmine and Vanessa. It was a great lesson, we explained the
Atonement of Christ and the Plan of Salvation along with another family of
members. The girls committed to baptism for this coming week on the 27th.
Also! We had a lesson with Rolando
yesterday in the house of the members again! I was so excited, because he also
accepted a baptismal date for the 21st of March. He was so happy to receive a
copy of the Book of Mormon and committed to read it and pray as well.
So....life is good. The church is
true and I am so happy to be able to be a part of this work and to help it move
forward. This past week was a great blessing as a whole.

Behold, I have graven thee upon the
palms of my hands" (1Nephi 21:15-16)