There is almost nothing to report this week.
Nothing at all.
Not really anything happened.
It was a completely regular week. Except for a few important
1. I lost my voice. sounded like a frog who had the flu, then the black
plauge, died, became a zombie frog with leprosy and did a duet with his banshee
All I wanted to do was to talk! but whenever I said
something....nothing was said! But I learned a lot about how actions really
speak louder than words. We can talk all day but unless we live the things we
preach and show kindness to everyone, everything has been done in vain.
On tuesday, all of our appointments fell through and we got
pretty discouraged....but whenever that happens, it's always a sign that the
Lord wants you somewhere else. So we started knocking on doors...and we
stumbled across the Tzul Family. We taught a breif lesson on the Plan of
Salvation and set up another appointment. When we returned, the father, was
incredilbly excited to listen to us and we taught about more things and
answered his questions. He told us that he really didn't have that much knowledge
about Jesus Crist, that he was raised believing in ancient Mayan gods, (the god
of the sun, the moon, etc.) but he knew that Heavenly Father existed.
We had a few incredible lessons with this man and his
family, and this sunday he came to church with his daughter! He wasn't there
for the first hour, but during Gospel Principles class, the Stake President
greeted him and guided him to Sunday School, and as he walked in he said
"The missionaries invited me!" and sat down.
He and his daughter loved church, and said they learned a
lot of things!
And I was so excited to teach them until....
3. I'm getting transferred out of the area.
Yes my good friends, I am leaving Jutiapa.
For good.
After only 6 weeks of being here! I mean...what? So that was
My companion, Elder Vieira gets to stay here. and I'm really
going to miss him....I was just barely starting to understand Portuguese. He's
a really great missionary and....
What....What happens next?
Only time will tell....