As this last change came to a left me with a lot of questions, and a great deal of things to think
Especially since I feel as
congested as a snuffeupagus with a sinus infection.
It started on Wednesday, when I
went on divisions with the Zone Leaders in Peronia. I was with my good friend
from Paraguay, Elder Garcia. He told me that I should have put on a sweater
because the sun had gone down early and there was a thick, mountain breeze
gusting through the streets of the area. He proved to be prophetic on all
I had left my jacket in Panorama
and thought it better to endure the cold than to take the time and get it back.
We visited a lot of people, and in the last lesson the gave the two of us a
coconut to drink.
I had never drunken Coconut milk
before....but, I'm not sure I'm a huge fan.
The next morning i woke up feeling
like someone had parked a semi on my chest..
I sort of continued feeling the
same for the following 5 days.
On Thursday, I went on divisions
with my buddy Elder Linford, who tomorrow is about to kick the bucket. It was a
really long day, but I was in good company. We had fun together as he told me
about all of his plans for when he goes home (which are many ;)).
The next day I started feeling
really lousy. And when we got back to Panorama, Elder Simoni and I worked our
hardest, trying to help as many people as we could to come unto Christ. That's
the true Christmas Spirit.
That's what we learned on Saturday
when our Zone Leaders presented the new "He is the Gift" video
to us. The church is taking initiative and are inviting us to utilize this
movie to interest as many people as possible.
And you know what? It's working out
very nicely.
Everyone that I've talked to about
"He is the Gift" seems to be so much more receptive to our message;
on Saturday alone we got 5 new investigators from the video.
The Lord works in mysterious
ways....and something tells me that this way is rather effective.
On Sunday we went as a ward to see
the Christmas devotional in the stake center. I loved it, if you didn't get the
chance to see it, I invite you to go and watch it! It made me reflect on a Christmas
What shall we give to the babe in
the manger,
What shall we offer the child in
the stall?
Incense and spices and gold we've
Are these the gifts for the king of
us all?
What shall we give to the boy in
the temple,
What shall we offer the man by the
Palms at his feet and hosannas
Are these for him who will carry
the tree?
What shall we give to the lamb who
was offered,
Rising the third day and shedding
his love?
Tears for his mercy we'll weep at
the manger,
Bathing the infant come down from
Christ suffered so that he could understand
how to succor us....what do we do to give back to him?
So that was my week...sorry I'm so I don't have much else to say but.....
My companion also has changes
From Mom:
This week my heart has been full of love for Elder Monson. I'm not sure of all the reasons why he's been in my thoughts more this week, maybe it was a mother's instinct that he was sick, I think it was the Lord letting me know how much He loves him. Maybe it was something I needed to focus on so today when we were able to write back and forth for a bit I would know what to say to ease a small part of his worries. But most importantly I think its because its the Christmas Season with twinkling lights and beautiful music, love and family all around -I'm missing him terribly. He is the spark to our family, the light, the energy and without him here to share in the holiday's I'm afraid I am a little lost again this year. And yet where else would I want him to be? Where else would he have the opportunity to share with the people he loves so much the message of a Savior and Redeemer? What could be more important than this for him this year? My answer is a strong "no where else"! It is true it's hard to be so far away and not be able to hug him or see his face but I do know he is about the Lord's work. He is a very blessed missionary in a wonderful area with amazing missionaries and faithful people around him. I'm blessed because of Tyler and his diligence to do what he is asked. Merry Christmas Elder Monson! With all my heart I Love you!